Practice Policies
As part of our commitment to excellent care, we at Bridgespan Medicine strive to be transparent about our practice policies. Please review the information below. Should you have additional questions, please contact us at your convenience.
Payments for services rendered are due at the time of your visit. If you have an insurance plan that we participate with, you must contact them prior to being seen, and arrange for us to be your Primary Care Physician (PCP). If you do not do so, then you will be responsible for the fee. Some insurance plans have deductibles and/or co-pays. It is required by these plans that payment be made at the time of your visit.
Please be prepared to pay that co-pay at the time of visit; it is not our policy to bill you later for it. If you do not present your co-pay at the time of visit, there will be a $20 service charge in addition to the co-pay. If your plan does not require a co-pay and we participate, we will accept the designated fee. You are responsible for any deductible and balance that your plan indicates on their explanation of benefits.
If we do not participate with your plan, payment is expected at the time of service. Your itemized receipt should be attached to your insurance form and sent by you to your carrier, who will reimburse you directly.
We appreciate timely payment of your account. For your convenience, we accept cash, checks, Master Card, Visa, and American Express. There will be a $50.00 charge for any returned checks.
BridgeSpan Medicine accepts the following insurance plans:
Beech Street
BlueCross/Blue Shield
EmblemHealth (PPO)
Empire Plan
Health Plus Amerigroup
Hudson Health Plan/MVP
Patients must present their insurance card to the receptionist before EVERY visit. Please notify our office as soon as possible of any change to your insurance carrier.
Medical Records Transfer/Copies
We have a procedure for handling the transfer of records. If you are interested in obtaining your records, please call the office, and we will send you a form that will help you accomplish this.
Please be aware that according to New York State law, which protects the confidentiality of young people, even records for minors cannot be sent directly to parents. In most cases, the records will be sent directly to the new physician.
NOTE: There is a fee of 75 cents per page associated with preparing and sending your records.