Pediatricians specialize in primary care services of children ranging from newborns to young adults. They offer diagnostic, treatment, preventive, and education services that address the needs of children, including adolescents. Here’s why you should have your child see an adolescent doctor, also called a pediatrician, on a regular basis. 1. Adolescents Differ From Babies, Children,
Read MoreAdolescent Medical Care
Nutrition and Fitness for Teens: Guidance from Adolescent Medicine Specialists
Teenagers experience a lot of change as they prepare to step into adulthood. Their bodies are growing and changing rapidly, and they are faced with new emotions and social pressures. During this time, it is more important than ever for teens to focus on their health and well-being. Good nutrition and fitness are essential for
Read MoreThe Science Behind Contraception: A Guide
Contraception, or birth control, helps women avoid pregnancy by preventing the fertilization of a woman’s eggs by her partner’s sperm. To choose the method of contraception best for each individual, the doctor and patient should consider various health factors specific to the patient and their family-planning goals. The Science Behind The Pill The birth control
Read MoreWhat are the Benefits of an Adolescent Doctor?
Adolescence is the time between childhood and young adulthood. Adolescence involves several changes in biological, social, cognitive, and psychological health and development. These changes are not always easy for those going through them. If you have an adolescent child, an adolescent doctor can be highly beneficial for them. An adolescent doctor has experience diagnosing, treating,
Read MoreQuestions an Adolescent Doctor May Ask During the First Visit
Doctors have different specializations, like body systems, diseases, or age groups. These areas of focus allow healthcare providers to treat patients better. One example is adolescent medicine, which specializes in the health of people aged 10 to 21. Adolescents benefit from seeing a specialist that knows how to care for the unique needs of this
Read MoreThe Differences Between Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
Patients have different needs at different life stages. They have varying medical issues, treatments, and developmental milestones requiring comprehensive approaches by their healthcare providers. For young patients, pediatric and adolescent medicine provides two distinct care techniques to meet their individual needs. However, the two focuses are different, even though they both cater to patients who
Read MoreHow Adolescent Medicine Can Help Teens with Their Mental Health
Your teen’s pediatrician can do more than monitor and treat physical health problems. They are a great resource for mental health. If your teen shows or expresses a need for compassionate counseling, an adolescent medicine physician can help. Let’s talk about how adolescent medicine can help teens with mental health and where you can go
Read MoreThree Adolescent Medicine Tips to Get Your Child Ready for School
Adolescent years are times of extensive mental, emotional and physiological changes. When your child is getting ready for school–either in September or after the mid-year break–facilitate the many changes they will encounter. Let’s talk about three adolescent medicine tips to help both parents and growing children and where you can go for outstanding pediatric care
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